WATT Token Vision and Mission
Our Vision – To Be The Token of Choice for Linked Solar Energy Generation
Our mission is to offer WATT Token contributors a trusted, transparent, third party verified, environmentally friendly token that is more than just a virtual token.
The WATT Token Is Fixed To An External Asset Class
The WATT Token is fixed to an external asset class, e.g., The total estimated development cost for the infrastructure required to generate ~ 1 Solar Watt (1 watt of solar powered energy). Initially based in the USA, in US Dollars.
The Problem With Most Cryptos, NFTs and Tokens
There are now thousands of cryptos, tokens, and NFT’s and many of them have the following concerns;
Most Tokens Are Not Linked To A Real-World Asset
Most crypto tokens are based on dreams, hope, and hype and are not truly linked to a real-world asset or any other asset that has any real value.
Most Tokens Are Too Easy To Mint Or Create
Many tokens have millions or billions of tokens minted and created with no limits on supply or very little effort needed to create additional supply.
Most Tokens Have No Third Party Audit And Verification System
Although some cryptos claim to be linked to an underlying asset, they lack a truly transparent third party audit and verification systems to assure holders that the crypto is in fact backed by the real-world asset as claimed.
Most Tokens Have No Impact or Benefit
Most tokens have no impact or benefit – in other words, they do not contribute or improve our life on planet Earth!
Most Tokens Are Get-Rich-Quick Schemes
Most token, crypto, and NFT developers just want a get-rich-quick scheme and not a real solution that makes a difference with integrity, transparency, and a third party verification system at it’s core.
The Solution Is The WATT Token
The WATT token is different, it is linked to 1 Solar Watt of Electricity, with limits on supply, a transparent third party audit system, carbon credit certified, and a way for you to contribute to a token with a real-world impact.
The WATT Token Is Linked To 1 Solar Watt Of Electricity
The Watt Token is linked to a real-world asset, which includes the land, labor, and materials to build the infrastructure required to generate 1 watt of solar electricity.
The WATT Token Has A Limited Ability To Be Minted Or Created
As the WATT Token is linked to the infrastructure required to produce 1 Solar Watt of electricity, there is a limit to how fast and how many new WATT Tokens can be minted or created.
The WATT Token Will Have A Transparent Third Party Audit And Verification System
We plan to work with reputable third party audit organizations to develop a transparent system that allows the WATT Token/Solar Watt generation ratio to be audited and verified. We plan to post all audit results on the WATT Token website every quarter.
The WATT Token Supports Carbon Credit Certification
We plan for the WATT token to be carbon credit certified via the Verified Carbon Standard Program (VCS Program), which is administered by the Washington, nonprofit organization Verra (see verra.org). It is the most widely used voluntary carbon standard available.
The WATT Token Has A Real-World Impact
Each WATT Token represents your support to build and develop new solar power infrastructure to produce ~1 Solar Watt of renewable energy generation capacity. The WATT Token is an environmentally responsible endeavor, worthy of your support. Now everyone can help support the development of green energy solar initiatives and boost their green credentials.
The WATT Token Is Not A Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
The WATT Token Is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme, the founders receive no tokens – Zero! And the tokens allocated to the liquidity pool and management pool may be burnt (destroyed) in order to balance the Total WATT Token/Solar Watt generation ratio. The WATT Token is focused on ensuring a solution that makes a difference, with integrity, transparency, and a third party verification system at its core.
Learn About The WATT Token…
What the WATT token is, and what it is not!
- The WATT Token Is NOT a get rich quick scheme.
- The WATT Token Is NOT an equity investment or ownership investment of any kind.
- The WATT Token Is NOT a debt instrument, bond and offers no interest or repayment plan.
- The WATT Token does NOT have any voting or governance rights.
- The WATT Token does NOT offer any financial reward, dividends, interest or return.
- The WATT Token Is Your Contribution To Renewable Solar Energy
- The WATT Token Is Linked To 1 Solar Watt Of Electricity
- The WATT Token Is An Asset Backed Crypto Token
- The WATT Token Is Limited In It’s Ability to Be Minted or Created
- The WATT Token Is Transparent, Audited and Verified
- The WATT Token Is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme, the founders receive no tokens – Zero!
- The WATT Token Is A Means To Support Clean Solar Energy Growth
- The WATT Token Is Carbon Credit Positive
- The WATT Token has a Real-World Impact And Expands Development of Clean Renewable Solar Energy
The WATT Token – Your Support For Sun Power!
Support the development of sun powered technology and real world projects that are intended to change the world!
A Watt is the electrical unit for the rate at which energy is generated or consumed. One watt is a small amount of power. Power consumption of small devices is typically measured in watts, while power consumption of larger devices is measured in kilowatts (kW). One kilowatt is equal to a thousand watts and 1 megawatt is equal to a million watts. Our WATT Token represents the solar installations cost for every Watt of solar powered energy produced. In total, this will cost the current market rate for a 1 Megawatt green solar powered farm we develop. The above cost is inclusive of all development costs including design and building costs, legal and license fees, maintained and administration costs, not to mention the higher cost of the land located near small towns and cities.
Starting from modest means our mission is to grow and develop thousands of mega watts of solar generated electricity through out the United States. We plan to build multiple solar powered micro grids that are between 2 to 10 Mega Watts each, they will be located relatively close to small towns and urban areas. The reason for the micro grid distribution model, is to reduce line loss (which can be as much as a 30% loss of all electricity produced) and improve overall efficiencies by bringing the power production closer to the power consumers. We will start in Austin/San Antonio Texas and then expand into other cities and states that are eager to expand their clean renewable energy infrastructure.
A token that has a real world impact!
Unlike most crypto tokens that are based on dreams, hopes and hype. SnaZish Solar & Blockchain brings you the WATT token that represents your support for the real world generation of 1 Solar Powered Watt. Your contribution will go towards real world solutions with real world solar power generation. Now everyone can easily support green solar energy projects…. when you purchase our new Solar Energy Crypto Token the WATT.
WATT Token Is Backed By ~1 Watt Of Electricity Production
The WATT Token is a Non-Equity, Non-Debt, Non-Derivative Token.
Purchasing a WATT Token is a contribution in support for our Green Energy Solar Farm Development initiatives. Instead of the WATT token being mined, it is minted based on the cost of each project. Once all tokens for a project have been minted, the funds received are then allocated to build, develop and complete that particular solar farm project. As a result, there is an estimated ~18 month delay from the date of all tokens for a project being minted to the actual solar powered production of 1 Watt of electricity per 1 WATT token. Our objective is to have a transparent audit and verification system in place, to match the number of Watts of solar powered electrical production and/or in planned development, to the total number of WATT tokens in circulation. As a result each WATT Token is backed by ~1 Watt of electricity production from the sun in the physical world. View the WATT token Projects console for an update of all the planned and completed projects and the estimated and actual Solar Watt production. We anticipate to update the console on a project by project basis but this may become more frequent in the future as additional projects are planned, minted and developed.
Attention Crypto Enthusiasts
Calling all crypto enthusiasts that are seeking an environmentally responsible cytpo token that will help support the development of clean solar power electricity. Help us harness the power of the sun and help save earth! Unlike most crypto tokens that are based on dreams, hopes and hype, the WATT token represents your support for the real world generation of 1 Solar Powered Watt. Your contribution will have a real world impact!
For more information please read the WATT token Whitepaper and Disclaimers
“Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.”
Social Media | |
WATT Token Website | WATT-token.org/ |
reddit.com/r/WATTtoken | |
Discord | discord.com/WATT-token |
Telegram | t.me/WATTtoken |
Gettr | gettr.com/user/WATTtoken |
twitter.com/WATT_token | |
Github | github.com/SnaZish/SnaZish |
Equity Investors
The WATT Token is a Non-Equity, Non-Debt, Non-Derivative Token.
Equity Investors: If you would like to participate in SnaZish Solar & Blockchain as an equity investor please visit our website SnaZish.com for more information on our Crowd Finding Equity Investors Opportunities.
The WATT Token
Linked To A Solar Watt Of Electricity
Privacy Policy
The WATT token is managed by:
SnaZish Solar & Blockchain
A Green Solar Energy Company
Manager Of The Official Asset Based Crypto Token – The WATT Token